I see you. I hear you. I feel you you. I honor you.

And I'm grateful YOU are here!

I'll invite you to ask yourself the following questions...

Who are you?

Why are you here?

What is your HIGHer purpose?

What are you yearning for?

Dear Sacred Soul Sister,

Whether you are aware or not, we are in the time of ascension / transition, the great spiritual awakening, whatever you desire to call it. Mother Earth is rebirthing herself from the 3rd dimension to the 5th dimension, out of the frequency of fear and into the frequency of love.

As Mother Earth ascends, you have an opportunity to ascend with her… and the ascent begins with a descent into your womb.

My HIGHer purpose is to assist Mother Earth, humanity, the collective, and you in this planetary rebirth by sharing what I have remembered along my death / rebirth journey and how I rebirth myself… because if it works for me, it may work for you.

I was once in your shoes - feeling stuck, frustrated, burnt out, lost, not enough, helpless and hopeless. When Cannabis guided me home to my WOMB, I found everything I was looking for, and then some. And then some more!

Mother Earth and your womb are calling you home...

We womb-en chose to be the spiritual warriors that usher in this awakening by being in service to the divine (our own divinity), without fear of the darkness, pain, suffering, or our power.

It won’t be all love, light, unicorns and bliss as your physical body will undergo a metamorphosis as you activate your lightbody (ascension vehicle).

This awakening will request YOU to take responsibility for your life, including the traumas, wounds, triggers, pain and suffering… as they are all part of your divine plan.


It begins with you rebirthing yourself out of your trauma self and into your HIGHer Self.

And returning home to your original multidimensional blueprint.

Only YOU can free yourself – and this sisterhood is a safe and sacred space in which you will receive the rituals, practices, knowledge and wisdom that can guide you home if you allow them to.

Are you ready to answer the call?

If so, my womb, heart and soul welcome you!

Oh, and did I mention that I’m here to restore the FUN in healing?

welcome to the authentic warrior dragon sisterhood









The frequency of AUTHENTICITY is 4,000x more powerful than the frequency of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.

Authenticity = Words + Actions In Alignment

Authenticity is the frequency of your HIGHER SELF.

You can only be as authentic as you are emBODIed (aka HIGHer self in your body).


A warrior is not a woman who is constantly at war with others.

WAR = Waging Against Righteousness

A warrior is a woman who is willing to look, meet and feel all the ways in which she is at war with herself (mind-body split) so she can heal it and be a warrior of peace, love, joy, authenticity, and divinity.


In the HIGHer realms, you are a dragon - a sacred keeper of the ancient knowledge and wisdom that has been destroyed, burnt, lost, buried, stolen, distorted and perverted... and then repackaged and sold to you to keep you stuck in a state of amnesia.

Your WOMB is the home of your inner DRAGON.

Along with all the HIGHer knowledge and cosmic wisdom you seek to reMEMBER.

What You'll Receive

  • Advanced Womb Kriya practices to carry into your self-healing practice

  • Monthly videos with HIGHer knowledge and wisdom that are in alignment with the collective healing and incoming cosmic energies

  • Monthly Advanced Womb Kriya Ceremony + Integration Circle

  • Access to a private Telegram group - a safe and sacred space to share

  • HIGH accountability, reflection questions and sacred mirroring guiding you to authenticity

  • Online dashboard with recordings, video guides, blog posts, womb remedies, temple body purification practices, and more

  • 20% Discount on Blueprints, Recorded Somatic Journeys & Private Ceremonies except Womb Kriya Ceremonies

  • 50% Discount on Monthly Somatic Cannabis Meditation & Womb Steam Ceremony

Most importantly, EXPEDITED HEALING!

Sacred Participation Requirements

My vision for this sisterhood is an authentic and sacred space for you to feel safe being you while you're healing your deepest traumas, wounds, fears, shame, pain, etc. For far too long, you've played small, kept parts of you hidden, feared speaking your truth, and felt unsafe around other women due to a deep ancestral and collective sister wound.

In order to honor this sacred space that my womb, heart, and soul are birthing, I request your participation because your contribution matters!

  • Attendance in at least 2 Womb Kriyas each month plus the monthly Advanced Womb Kriya Ceremony

  • A daily self-healing practice, AKA your daily devotion to cleansing your holy temple body for your HIGHer Self

  • Engagement in the Telegram group
  • Willingness to be seen, heard, acknowledged, innerstood, loved unconditionally, and held accountable

Cosmic Codes To HIGHer Consciousness

On this death / rebirth journey, you only receive as much as you are willing to give. Nothing is free in the entire Universe, not even freedom itself. There is a sacred energetic exchange, aka “investment”, for everything, including your healing. Consider it a sacrifice, an offering, a giving of yourself completely to divinity in the form of time, effort, energy, and devotion.

If healing you feels like work, a chore, or an obligation, then this same mental blockage will prevent you from showing up and doing the “spiritual work” that is required for ascension.

The following 7 Cosmic Codes give birth to your masculine container which creates the discipline, dedication and devotion to your healing so that you can receive as much as you give.


If you can't commit to you, no-one else can or will.

How committed are you to your healing journey – your way home to your HIGHer Self, Consciousness, Frequency, Purpose, Potential and Pleasure?


The "spiritual work" required for ascension requires consistency, hence why yogis and monks dedicate hours every single day to their spiritual practice.

How can you hold yourself accountable in your consistency to your daily self-healing practice?


When you've remembered who you are and why you're here, you know in the depths of your womb, heart, and soul that your self-healing practice is a vital part of your ascension journey.

How strong is your conviction towards your healing?


Fear and limitations are fabricated by your EGO and are not real. In order to conquer your EGO, you must be willing to challenge yourself.

Are you willing to challenge yourself to meet your limitations, fears and blockages and push beyond them – thereby conquering your EGO?

Are you willing to go on a treasure hunt for deeper pain so you can meet it, feel it, and heal it deeper?


Everything you're looking for is inside of your body, yet it requires you to commune with your body in order to unlock and unravel it.

Are you yearning for deeper communion with your body, mind, and soul?


Disconnection from all things HIGHer is a symptom from the concussion we received when we fell from divinity into a lower state of consciousness.

Do you desire to restore your connection with all things HIGHer – chakras, self, consciousness, purpose, passion, pleasure, potential, knowledge, wisdom, dimensions, etc.?


YOU are the writer, director, producer, and actress in your movie called LIFE. Only YOU have the power to rewrite your movie... but first, it requires you to take responsibility for writing your movie.

Can you 1,000% claim, own, and acknowledge that you are a galactic creator of every experience, person, relationship, trigger, pain, blockage, and in your reality?


  • you've been longing for an authentic, no-bullshit, non-judgmental, shame-free, fearless sisterhood where you can let your hair down, express your emotions, heal your traumas, speak your truth, ask for guidance, be vulnerable, share your deepest fears (and desires) and never apologize for being a woman

  • you crave additional support and integration after the Womb Kriya and/or Temple Body Ceremonies

  • you're ready to HIGHten your commitment to yourself and be held accountable

  • your womb is crying for your attention through PCOS, fibroids, endometriosis, painful sex, low libido, imbalanced hormones, irregular menstrual cycles, STD's, etc.

  • you're yearning to remember who you are and why you're here (your authentic purpose)

  • you have an inner knowing that you are here to assist Mother Earth's rebirth (ascension) by rebirthing your trauma self into your HIGHer Self



EnJOY a free month in the sisterhood to get a taste of the rawness, vulnerability, honesty, authenticity, no filter, and the Goddess-speed at which we HEAL.

All you invest in is the Advanced Womb Kriya Ceremony.




Can you only commit to 2 Womb Kriya Ceremonies per month plus the Advanced Womb Kriya Ceremony?

If so, this membership option is for you. It includes the sisterhood and the Advanced Womb Kriya Ceremony.




Are you committed to attending every Womb Kriya Ceremony plus the Advanced Womb Kriya Ceremony?

If so, this all inclusive package is for you. It includes the Womb Kriya Monthly Package + Sisterhood Membership.



$31 per Womb Kriya Ceremony + $67 for the Sisterhood


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"The key to enLIGHTenment, authenticity and HIGHer consciousness is found in emBODIment - your SPINE is your highway to the DIVINE!"

©Dr. Shelly Persad 2024

"The key to enLIGHTenment, authenticity and HIGHer consciousness is found in emBODIment - your SPINE is your highway to the DIVINE!"

©Dr. Shelly Persad 2024